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Why I Made Pad Thai for Lunch Today

There's a movie out there in which one of the characters said, "If you're early, you're on time. If you're on time, you're late." I admit that I like to be on time and I get annoyed when others are consistently late. I like for things to go as planned, yet I can't say that things always go as they're supposed to go.

For example, my Blessed is She planner says I'm going to have pad thai on Tuesday.

Instead, I had it today...Yum! Sometimes things don't go as planned, or in this case, you just have a craving for tangy, seasoned noodles and you push your meal schedule up a few days.

In any case, biggest goal for 2018 was to take more control of my time. I downloaded an app called Quality Time recently, which gauges how much time you spend on your phone. It measures app use and allows you to scheduled breaks from your mobile devices. I was surprised to see that I was spending 4 hours on my phone just mindlessly scrolling through social media apps. I was a little embarrassed! I set a schedule break from 9:30PM to 6:00AM, and it cut my phone time in half!

I also made the investment in a Blessed is She liturgical planner.I know some people looked at it and thought I was a little nuts for spending that much on a planner, but I have zero regrets. Here's why:

1. The cover is sturdy and pretty!

My closest friends know that I LOVE notebooks, and if you look into my purse, you'll see that I have at least two in there at any given time. These people also know that I sling my bag around and stuff it with anything and everything, so I need sturdy covers on my notebooks. This extra strong cover that's also pretty totally makes the cut! Bonus points for the spiral binding that makes it easy to lay it flat.

2. This POCKET!

When I go shopping for clothes, there are certain things that I am drawn to: wrap dresses, pencil skirts, bright colors, and POCKETS! I love finding a cute dress, trying it on and then seeing that it has POCKETS! So many of my past notebooks and planners have had loose papers hanging out of the sides, but this one makes me feel so much more organized with its front pocket.

3. Monthly Layout

The monthly layout helps me to see so much! Not only do I get a glimpse of what I have planned for the month, but it also includes the liturgical colors! I can easily see Ordinary Time, Lent, and Martyr days! Each day also includes saint feast days and will tell you if it's a Holy Day of Obligation. Each month has something up top to help with monthly prayer. Usually it's a prayer for the "saint of the month," but in February the focus is on creating a Lenten plan. I like the blank space down below where I can doodle in a monthly word to bring to prayer.

4. Daily Layout

So, it's one thing to know that I have a lunch date scheduled with a friend on Saturday. It's another to know that I have a coffee date scheduled at a certain time. The daily hour by hour layout helps me to get organized and make sure that I don't overbook myself! The best part of the daily plan is that the planner has a space to reflect on what you are thankful for each day, and it gives you a mini checklist asking if you've taken care of yourself that day. CRUCIAL for everyone, especially for busy women!

5. Plenty of space for notes

Whether I want to jot down some things I receive in prayer or just want to doodle some encouraging words, I love how the planner has so much space for notes!

6. Lists!

Checking things off makes me feel accomplished, so I love how each week starts with this three column list of "to-do's," grocery lists and weekly meal planning. The prayer intentions help me to remember everyone I promised to pray for!

7. Prayer

This planner is peppered with prayer throughout. The beginning has pages of common prayers and the mysteries of the Rosary. Then, each month begins with a saint of the month and prayer. The spaces for reflections on gratitude and self care can easily be incorporated into prayer and prayer intentions.

So when people ask me "Is it worth the price?" I have to say yes. I know that things won't always go as planned and that there will always be kinks in my schedule, but the Blessed is She planner definitely helps me get off to a good start in organizing my time. And plus, it just makes me feel nice to have something special in my purse that has everything from my plan for the day to YOUR prayer intentions. Supporting an awesome ministry is just icing on the cake!

Click here to save 20% on a planner of your own or any other Blessed is She products! (May I suggest the "She Who Believed" Lenten reflection journal? ;-))

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